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Kimaya Design

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 Location : Ontario

 Website URL : https://kimayadesigns.com/

In 2008, Geeta Kewalramani founded Kimaya Designs. Using her passion for people, their connection to their homes, sustainability, and design, she brings life to functional and aesthetically pleasing living spaces. Combining the knowledge and art of interior design, and bringing it to our most valuable spaces, our homes, kitchens, and baths are at the heart of Kimaya Designs.

We are often asked why the name ‘KIMAYA’? The word ‘Kimaya’ means ‘Divine’ or ‘Blissful’. This name was purposefully selected as it represents the feeling of happiness and serenity, that we wish to evoke through the spaces we create for our clients. When we started our company, the goal was to create functional and beautiful living spaces but over the years, our company has evolved. We have come to the realization that what we are really passionate about is people, and how we can help people make their home a sanctuary that creates joy and promotes health & wellness.


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